Some many things require the proper support in order to function properly. Your home’s floor structure is no exception! I see many issues with the support posts and support piers in homes. These issues involve using the wrong methods and materials to support the center support beam of the home. These will cause damages such as cracks along ceilings, diagonal cracks at interior doorways and dips in floors. Here are a few pictures of improperly supported center beams;

As you can see, the support post is not wide enough to support the entire width of the beam and is compressing into the wood. The small wedges of wood are also compressing into the beam causing settlement. The IRC calls for a 4″ thick concrete cap or core-filled blocks and steel plates that support the entire top of the block pier. Here are a few examples:

Take a look at your support posts or piers in your basement or crawl space and see if they are properly supported. Feel free to give me a call if you have questions and I’ll be glad to stop by your home and take a look.